Erin and Dan wedding in Long Grove
What better way to celebrate wisdom, than to have a shoot in a library. One can read only one book on love, and feel as if they have had it their entire life. The engagement session at the library in Long Grove was a very poetic and symbolic shoot for Erin and Dan.
Speaking of symbolism, Erin and Dan are a young and beautiful Jewish couple that made sure to have quite a few Jewish customs and traditions to their wedding. Before the ceremony it was Tish, Bedeken, and Ketubah. And then at the Ceremony it was Chuppah, Hakafot, Erusin, and Nissuin. The finale, after the ceremony, it was Yichud, Simcha and Toda Raba. What a load of tradition and fun.
The wedding took place at the amazing Twin Orchard Country Club in Long Grove.
Long Grove was the main destination for it all, and this is also where the getting ready photo session took place as well as the reception.
Family and friend oriented would be an understatement for Erin and Dan,
Both entourages were full of excitement as if they too were getting married.
I never have seen two people with so many beloved friends, the shoots resembled family portraits. Energy shines bright through both the bride and the groom, bringing beautiful life and color to the basic colors of the gown and tuxedo. There is a saying that goes with clothing, it is to never let something wear you but to own what you wear and these two make getting married look as simple, easy, and natural as taking a stroll in the park. This can only be accomplished through true love. The sky was as blue as it can be, the weather as pleasant as well, and the indoor scenario left everyone speechless. The oldest to the youngest of the family showed in numbers. Erin had her 3 grandparents and Dan had his grandparents. It was quite enchanting how they enjoyed seeing their grand kids getting ready and saying those magical words.
Erin and Dan’s wedding it was a Jewish wedding with a mixture of many traditions and customs. Some modern and some have been practiced by Jewish people for thousands of years.
Before the Ceremony there were 2 traditions:
Tish and Bedeken.
Prior the wedding ceremony, the men gathered with Dan for the tish.
Dan was trying to some words about this week Torah’s portion. At the end of the tish the men were led by a trumpet player to the room with Erin and the women .
At the bedeken, Dan placed the veil on Erin’s face.
Another important custom before the wedding ceremony is the Ketubah.
Ketubah is a traditional Jewish marriage contract, which is written in Aramaic.
The Wedding ceremony was filled with another 4 customs and traditions.
The Chuppah is the canopy under which the wedding ceremony took place and represents the new home to be created.
Hakafot ( Circling) is a procession after wedding, Erin was circle around Dan for three times.
Eurosin ( Betrothal)
The Erusin is the first part of a Jewish wedding ceremony. Starts by having a cup o wine filled to almost overflow, to symbolize that Erin and Dan’s cup runneth over with joy. Erin and Dan will take a sip of the wine from the same cup to represent their willingness to face life’s challenges together. Second, Erin and Dan will exchange rings.
Nissuin ( Marriage)
The Nissuin is the final party of the ceremony. Dan and Erin was wrapped in Dan’s talit ( prayer shawl), which he received at his bar mitzvah.
The reception had an amazing orchestra – “Rendez vous.” They entertain the party in such way that every single person was up and dancing. This wedding was to the T what a wedding supposed to be, it was a party, a dedicating event and it hosted all the good feelings one can imagine feeling on their wedding day. Love is freedom.
A big thank you to Susan Lazar the wedding coordinator.
Ceremony officiant Cantor Rachel Rosenberg
Copy: Kiyal Robinson
Photography by: Doru and Claudia Halip
29 Oct 2013Absolutely beautiful pictures, beautiful people, and beautiful photography.
Doru Halip
29 Oct 2013Thank you! It was a beautiful wedding!